Campus Safety & Security

About the Rowan-Cabarrus Crime Log

About the Crime Log

Crime log case numbers do not run sequentially. The campus Department of Safety and Security assigns a case number for all reportable activities, both criminal and non-criminal. Only case numbers generated for criminal activity are listed in the crime log. Crimes are reported in chronological order. The most recent crimes are at the top of the list.

Hard copies of the crime log are also available at each campus location where this electronic log is available. The crime log is available at our campus locations during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., excluding dates the college is closed. You may also view the crime logs 24-hours a day on our website.

Additional Information

Incidents with a case number that start with “NA” involve information received from other college officials, who are defined by federal law as “campus security authorities.” These officials share non-identifying information with the Rowan-Cabarrus Department of Campus Safety and Security provided by alleged or actual victims. In these incidents, the victims did not file an official incident or law enforcement report, and therefore, it is not always possible to provide information regarding the areas covered in the crime log (e.g. campus, nature, case number, date & time reported, date & time occurred, on or off campus, or disposition). Because an official report was not filed, there will be no disposition. These incidents are reported to the crime log for statistical purposes and are posted to the crime log as the information received by the Rowan-Cabarrus Department of Campus Safety and Security.

According to federal law, an institution may withhold any of the required log information fields if any of the following conditions apply:

  • The disclosure is prohibited by law
  • The disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim
  • The disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual
  • The disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection
  • The disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence

Information withheld will be released upon the cessation of the condition that prompted its restricted availability.

Crime Log Definitions

The following is an explanation of the terminology used to complete the disposition section of the college crime log.

  • Open Case – The case is currently being investigated by the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Department of Public Safety and Security and/or local law enforcement agency.
  • Unfounded – The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless. No offense occurred nor was attempted.
  • Referred to Department – The case is referred to the appropriate supervisory employee or the Human Resources Office. Those departments review the case and determine if disciplinary action will be initiated.
  • Referred to LE – The case is being investigated by local law, state or federal law enforcement authorities. The specific agency will be identified in the disposition.
  • Closed: Referred to OSS – The case has been forwarded to the Vice-President of Student Services. That office is responsible for reviewing the case and for determining whether or not the student(s) involved will be charged with a violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Closed: Off Campus Incident – Incident occurred off campus and is not within the college jurisdiction.
  • Closed: Subject Barred – The subject(s) has been issued a college bar notice which restricts the subject from entering or accessing any or parts of the college property. A violation of a bar notice may result in that person’s arrest for trespassing.
  • Closed: Subject Arrested – The subject(s) has been arrested by law enforcement authorities.
  • Closed: No Suspects or Witnesses – The case has no solvability.
  • Closed: No Identifiable Suspect(s) – A description and/or video surveillance of the subject is available but positive identification of the subject has not been made.
  • Closed: Reclassified – The original incident report classification has been changed to accurately reflect the appropriate classification, based on the results of the investigation.
  • Closed: No Further Action – No further investigative action is required.
  • Closed: Exceptionally Cleared – When arrestee/suspect dies and the criminal case cannot move forward.

Source: Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) as amended in Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II of Public Law 101-542); Title IV HEA as amended 1992, 1998 (renamend Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act), and 2000; Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) (Public Law 110-315) 2008 @ 34 CFR 668.46(f)